Board :Guide
Author :GM mir
Subject :Help Channels
Date :4/28
Nexus offers four channels of communication to help players with issues they might be encountering. Please read carefully how to use each.

<b>/Tutors channel

If you require the assistance of a tutor with information about your path, spells or a quest, please reach out to a tutor by using the /tutors channel. When messaging to the tutor channel please be concise and straight to the point, directly expressing what is your question. This will help them address your questions faster.

<b>/Novice channel

This channel is available to characters with lower levels to help each other with hunting groups, quests, information, and other demands that help with learning how to adapt to the world of Nexus faster. This channel is also monitored by tutors who may provide with assistance to the novice characters and new players.

<b>/Justice Channel

If you are witnessing a justice issue that requires immediate attention of a judge or archon you may send a message to /justice channel.

When messaging to the report channel please be concise and straight to the point, directly expressing what is the issue. This will help get your concern addressed faster. This is a channel only for justice issues, not for other assistance you may need from archons.

If the issue has recently occurred but is no longer happening the best way to report it to bring it to the justice board.

<b>/Report channel

This channel is exclusively used to report bugs or situations that may be hindering your game play and would need immediate assistance of Archons or GMs. This channel is not to be used for justice issues, please use the /justice channel instead.

Be succinct when using this, go straight to the point that is causing issue. This isn't a chat. Do not use this ask if Immortals are around. Using report to ask if archons are around will not help you get a response. If it is not urgent, contact the Immortals through mail instead.